Monday, November 26, 2012


                                    A Letter To Myself

 Dear Kenia,

Now you might be wondering to yourself why I wrote this letter 10yrs ago.Well I'm writing this letter on Nov.26.2012.This assignment was assign by my computer class teacher Leo in which he let me chose a topic for our probably don't log-in to it as much but I decided to write a letter to myself 10ys from now for my assignment.Well we are in the year 2012 in which the Mayas predicted that the world was going to end.How funny right? Well I just turned 18 this year,I been having fun and what I mean by that is that I been partying but I don't want to get carried away.And you know that I'm not a great dancer after all(well that's one of my excuses to stay away from clubbing),But dancing is a really good exercise to stay stress free.On the other hand I manage to stay on top of my things.Can you believe it I will be graduating this upcoming year.All I need right now is to stay focus on my own things.Like I need to stop getting in facebook so often,I need to surround myself with creative people.And keep looking forward without looking back.I'm so close to the finish line,I feel so happy and proud of myself,you should too.I never thought I would go this Farr but because of the effort you have also put,You've achieved goals you never thought you would reach.Just remember that all the effort and work you've put it all pays off in the end.And don't let anyone put you down or tell you the good and bad about what you decided to do in your life.Well as you can see,school is going pretty good right now and I expect for you to keep doing good as well in the future.If you ever feel sad,depressed or any bad feelings,keep your head up and think positive(: I know I always do things in the last minute or I get lazy and things like that,but its time for you to put a stop to all this slacking of yours,before its too late for you to realize it.I know it ain't easy with all this pressure,problems you got but I think you work better under pressure.Just take a deep breath and thing positive.Just keep your eyes on the grand prize and once you get through all of this you will be saying to yourself ''It was worth the time''.Also remember use time wisely because time is the most important thing in your life.Here are some tips if you ever get lazy to do things: ''take a shower to wake yourself up and to stay relax,or go take a lap around the block.By the way stay safe,stay away from drugs,and surround yourself with inspiring people.


Hey there again.Its myself writing to myself (: 10yrs from now.Ten years later you are going to be 28.So how are things in the future? Have things changed? Yeah I know people do change.How are you doing in school? Or how was school? You are probably done with school right now.So what career you chose to do? Yeah I know...You wanted to be a Social worker,psychologist,Police,or a journalist.What ever career you chose I'm so proud of you for making the decision.You see? I told you it was worth the time.And it all pays off at the end.So how is mom? Is she doing good? Has mom left to her country? Remember how she use to say that as soon as we were going to be full grown she was going to leave the U.S. and go back to her country? I know right? she actually never did it.And I hope she is still with us.How is Hailey by the way? she is 12 right? oh my god she is growing.Just remember to advice your niece and be there when she needs you.I hope you haven't had any kids,because that's what you said that you weren't going to have kids until you are done with your career and be married.Which is probably you turn 30.How is my brother and sister? I hope they are doing good.Thank GOD for everything,and for taking care of all of us.I strongly hope that you have chosen go to back to church and doing what you gotta do.I also hope that you haven't got any seizures.Ever since you got the brain surgery.Remember when you woke up so early for your appointment surgery? And my mom was refusing to sign the permission contract? so much drama happened that same day.But hey it happened for a reason.You found a way out and thanks to your therapist denusha you have gained so much confident.And I know you no longer see her.I also hope you don't take those pills for the seizures no more.Which is because you took those pills every single day so the doctor could lower the doses.What else..... Have you found your true love yet? I hope you didn't go back with any of your ex's.And yes hopefully you have a car and learned how to drive already.well I got to go.See you in the future,and hope you are doing great(:
well my expectations is to be down with school ten years from now.Have a job,a car,and no baby.Until I'm 30 or married.I also expect you have become a better person and to keep your head up.I expect for you to be helping your mother out in any little thing she needs.And I hope you haven't gotten in any fight with Monika and are still friends.Another expectation is for you to start going to church and doing good and thinking positive ^.^
